Don’t Make These (Funny) Fitness Mistakes

Mike Matthews
2 min readApr 21, 2022


A whisker of whimsy for you today . . .

Eating or exercising according to your blood or body type is about as effective as eating or exercising according to your sun sign.

And taking a greens supplement instead of eating green foods is like watering your plants with Brawndo. Because it’s got electrolytes.

And starving yourself throughout the week so you can gorge on the weekends is like wearing a seatbelt so you can drive like a maniac.

And avoiding an individual food or macronutrient “because it makes you fat” is like avoiding the snow because it “causes hypothermia.”

And trying to out-exercise an out-of-control diet is like trying to shovel sand against the tide.

And taking BCAAs in addition to eating plenty of protein is like watering your lawn . . . after a storm.

And sacrificing sleep to have more time for just about anything is like trying to cure dandruff with a guillotine.

And taking a multivitamin supplement instead of eating a nutritious diet is like calling a finger painting a Rembrandt.

And relying solely on caffeine for energy is like trying to borrow your way out of debt.

And avoiding plant foods because you don’t like them is like staring at the sun because you don’t like the shade.

And not lifting heavy weights for fear of getting “bulky” is like avoiding sugar for fear of getting “addicted.”

And viewing exercise mostly as a way to burn calories is like viewing marriage mostly as a way to get laid.



Mike Matthews

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