Feel Like You Can’t “Afford” to Eat Well and Exercise?

Mike Matthews
3 min readJul 8, 2022

Imagine that your doctor says you have a fatal disease, and the only way to cure it is to whirl around in circles for two hours per day.

After accepting that you do indeed have the strangest disease in the history of the human race, what would you do? Would you slink off and resign yourself to your fate? Or somehow free up the time to spin widdershins?

You know without a doubt that you’d find a way, regardless of how busy you are. Maybe you’d work a bit less, banish streaming apps, or disappear from social media, but somehow you’d make the time.

Think about that.

You just admitted you have a couple of hours per day waiting in the wings, available for immediate use toward any goal of your choosing, such as transforming your body. What’s going on here?

Many people understand that “I don’t have time to exercise” is just another way of saying “It’s not important enough to me,” but they struggle with prioritizing working out when the demands of their work, marriage, children, and errands pound like jungle drums from sunrise to sunset.

When these people are told they don’t lack the time, only the will, they bristle. And understandably so. On a good day, they have maybe thirty minutes to themselves, before bed, after all the important tasks on the to-do list have been checked off.

Such situations can seem hopeless, but remember — every problem has a solution, even this one.

The first step is shifting how people view health and fitness in relation to their lives. The time given to eating well and exercising regularly is often considered a luxury, or worse, a self-indulgence, but here’s the rub:

You can make your health and wellness a priority now, or it’ll make itself a priority later. There is no third choice.

“But wait,” someone somewhere is thinking, “my friend’s cousin’s doctor’s mom’s sister is ninety-three years old and eats like a raccoon, smokes like a fish, and drinks like a chimney, and she’s still as fit as a bull moose. I’ll probably be fine.”

This is silly. Every rule has exceptions, and every group has outliers, but that doesn’t negate the principles or patterns.

A century of medical literature has proven that as we get older, snubbing the cornerstones of healthy living greatly increases the risk of debilitating and deadly disorders, so much so that as time goes on, if we don’t get our act together, our chances of remaining healthy and vital become vanishingly small.

If we nurture our body with wholesome habits like proper diet, exercise, sleep, and supplementation, however, it’ll repay us with a wellspring of vigor and vivacity for living our best life.

So, to Mr. and Ms. “I-really-don’t-have-time-to-eat-well-and-exercise,” I say: you can choose the rigors of healthy living now or the penalties of unhealthy living later.

There is no third option.



Mike Matthews

Want some help building your best body ever? Here are 5 ways I can assist whenever you’re ready: http://www.mikematthews.co